free guided practice

A tantric self pleasure ritual to fall in love with yourself instantly.

What’s the secret?

I’ll lead you through a practice that will help you to see yourself… and more importantly, feel yourself, in a whole sexy, new way.

In this 20 minute guided experience, you’ll learn how to:

  • Give yourself the full, loving attention you deserve and fall in love with details of yourself that have yet to be discovered.

  • Appreciate the sweet details that make you, you! You’ll learn to pay attention to yourself in a way that leaves you in awe of how exquisite your body is.

  • Receive pleasure through your senses rather than grasping outside with them to experience deeper, lasting satisfaction that doesn’t drain your energy.

  • Feel soft like shea butter, by giving yourself touch that is sensual, flowing and feminine.

  • Deeply relax your nervous system by using simple, tantric techniques and let go of heavy weight you are carrying that keeps you from feeling radiant alive.

“Alice has taught me how pleasure can be deeply healing. I love the practices she shares… they have helped me love myself unconditionally!”

— Marianna, 53, USA

meet your guide

Alice Hong

Alice is a transformational coach that empowers women to let go of who they think they should be and create a life that turns them ON.

Having taught internationally since 2009, she is known for her brave, loving facilitation that has supported thousands of people to create deeper meaning in their life, love and business.

She teaches powerful embodiment practices to get out of your restless mind and into your wise, delicious body, you’ll stop turning to others for answers and cultivate unshakable self love so you can experience greater intimacy, depth and meaning in all your relationships.

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