The Autumn Equinox Ritual I Love
There’s been a lot of expansion this year for me - both professionally and personally. As a result, I learned that there’s a fine line between inspired action and overwhelm.
Whenever I notice myself walking that line, I’m reminded to come back to my grounding practices. Fall is the perfect time to do just that.
And as the autumn winds are coming in, I feel a bigger need to slow down - listen, and create even more spaciousness.
And those of us in the Northern hemisphere will be celebrating the autumn equinox – a sacred time of transitioning from light to darkness.
This day marks a great opportunity to turn inwards, be still, and listen.
Make space on your calendar for writing. Here is some journaling prompts to help you reflect on what has been, what is now, and what is to come.
Take at least 15 minutes (or more if you can) to check in with yourself.
Bring your notebook, light a candle, brew a delicious tea, and play some pleasant music.
Then reflect on these questions in your journal:
Looking back. What were the highlights of your year so far? What has served you? What did not work out as expected? What could you learn from that? What are you grateful for?
Grounding into now. How are your body, mind, emotions, and spirit feeling now? Can you allow whatever is moving, even if it’s uncomfortable? What does each aspect need from you to come into balance, and how can you give that to yourself?
Looking ahead: What are your intentions for the rest of the year? What fruits are you harvesting from the seeds you planted in the spring? What are you letting go of? And what do you want to bring with you into the darker months?
Take your time and let the answers come from within your heart and belly. This is a sacred space for you and you alone. Relish in it.
Here’s a personal share from my own reflections:
This year has been incredibly rich and expansive, filled with travels, teachings, and celebrations. I’m deeply grateful for all the opportunities to deepen my intimate relationship, connect more with my friends and family, and have a lot of fun.
Now, however, I’m dancing the line of overwhelm. I need grounding and a return to my body: Planting my feet into the earth, feeling the soothing sounds of nature, and getting outside every day–even as the temperatures drop.
My intentions for fall are to stop traveling and focus on nurturing my local community here in Zurich, bringing spirit into matter through flesh-to-flesh relating. I want to take deeper pleasure in my senses, finding comfort in warmth and softness.
If finding comfort in your community and embracing the imminent darkness resonates, then I invite you to join me for Wild Women’s Gathering (on October 1st, LIVE in Zurich).
We’ll gather for one juicy afternoon of dancing, sisterhood, and celebration of the new season.
We’ll also practice together, to help you embrace the wisdom of the darker months, so you can be nurtured, rather than drained, by the wisdom of the fading light.
Happy Equinox!